Article Title |
Measuring Assessment of the Stock of Manufacturing Companies of Nepal on the Basis of Risk and Return on Share Prices |
Author(s) | Ganesh Prasad Acharya, Dr. Pawan Kumar Verma. |
Country | India |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to assess and review the stock of selected Manufacturing Companies of Nepal. After completing this research job, one can understand whether the stocks of Manufacturing Companies of Nepal are correctly valued or not. For this, the expected rate of return, required rate of return, the correlation coefficient between the return on individual stock and the market portfolio are computed. The study had been carried out satisfied sampling containing companies to market capitalization listed in NEPSE. Secondary data was collected from 2013-2018 (i.e. five years period). Descriptive statistics was used to perform the data analysis. The stocks of two Manufacturing Companies are overpriced and the stocks of two Manufacturing Companies are underpriced. |
Area | Management |
Published In | Volume 2, Issue 2, February 2025 |
Published On | 07-02-2025 |
Cite This | Acharya, G. P., & Verma, P. K. (2025). Measuring Assessment of the Stock of Manufacturing Companies of Nepal on the Basis of Risk and Return on Share Prices. ShodhPatra: International Journal of Science and Humanities, 2(2), pp. 1-11, DOI: |
DOI | 10.70558/SPIJSH.2025.v2.i2.45114 |