A study of Tourism potentials in Little Andaman Islands of A& N Islands, India

ShodhPatra: International Journal of Science and Humanities (SPIJSH)

ShodhPatra: International Journal of Science and Humanities

Open Access, Multidisciplinary, Peer-reviewed, Monthly Journal

Call For Paper - Volume: 2, Issue: 2, February 2025

DOI: 10.70558/SPIJSH

Follows UGC Care Guidelines

Impact Factor: 6.54

Article Title

A study of Tourism potentials in Little Andaman Islands of A& N Islands, India

Author(s) Suman Das.
Country India

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands Union Territory is well-known for its beaches and sea water that are free of pollution, as well as its historical sites, which contribute to the region's thriving tourism economy. Generally speaking, the Andaman and Nicobar Islands' coastal regions are the primary destinations for tourists, whereas the island arch is experiencing a decline in the number of visitors. It is possible to characterize the Little Andaman Islands as the southernmost portion of the Andaman group of islands. It is well-known for the coastline beaches and natural water falls that are located on the islands, as well as the tribal beauty region, which is off-limits to visitors from outside the area. Among the numerous hidden locations of interest, there are many places where a tourist can relax in the heart of the forest, take a cool bath in the spring, enjoy the catching of local fish at a village fishing point, and many other things such things. At times of the monsoon season, etc.The objectives of the study have been formulated for the purpose of identifying tourist spots in the islands. These objectives include the following: to list out various hidden spots of the area; to discover different potentials of the selected tourist spots and areas; to discover the problems of potential tourist spots; to make suggestions for the proper implementation of the plans for the places; to contribute to the development of the places; and to explore the possibilities in the islands that are outside of the region. For the purpose of investigating the tourists who are stationed on the island, data is obtained from a variety of sources. For the most part, secondary data is utilized in order to acquire information on a big scale, whereas primary data is utilized to a lesser level.

Area Geography
Published In Volume 1, Issue 7, July 2024
Published On 10-07-2024
Cite This Das, S. (2024). A study of Tourism potentials in Little Andaman Islands of A& N Islands, India. ShodhPatra: International Journal of Science and Humanities, 1(7), pp. 33-46.

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