ShodhPatra: International Journal of Science and Humanities (SPIJSH)

ShodhPatra: International Journal of Science and Humanities

Open Access, Multidisciplinary, Peer-reviewed, Monthly Journal

Call For Paper - Volume: 2, Issue: 2, February 2025

DOI: 10.70558/SPIJSH

Follows UGC Care Guidelines

Impact Factor: 6.54

Peer Review Process

Peer review assesses manuscript quality before publication. It also ensures journals publish high-quality publications, benefiting the scientific community. Researchers in relevant fields peer-review the submitted publications. This review technique helps journal editors decide whether to publish papers by assessing their originality, validity, and importance.

Shodhpatra follows COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines ( We strive for objective, prompt, and equal peer review. Journals accept or reject manuscripts based on their significance, originality, lucidity, validity, and relevance to their scope.

In addition to the editorial board, personal relationships, author recommendations, and bibliographic databases, we use many sources to find reviewers. Reviewers strongly affect our manuscript acceptance decision.

Every manuscript submitted to SHODHPATRA will undergo a rigorous process as follows:

Step 1: [Author ==> Editor]

Author Submit the research article by Online form or email to

Step 2: [Editor/Review Members]

The journal’s editor assesses the submitted article or manuscript to determine if it meets the submission criteria. If it does, the editorial team will select potential peer reviewers within the field of research and send the manuscript to the peer-review process. The journal will reject and return the submitted article or manuscript to the author if it does not meet the submission criteria or falls outside the scope of the journal.

Step 3: [Reviewer ==> Editor]

The review team will assess the manuscript or article and give their recommendations or comments to the editor along with their decision to submit the manuscript for possible publication, which may be as follows:

  1. A manuscript may be accepted.
  2. Minor revisions may lead to the acceptance of a manuscript.
  3. Major revisions may result in the acceptance of a manuscript.
  4. The manuscript may be rejected.

Step 4: [Editor]

The editor sends the evaluation report to the author through email.

Step 5: [the corresponding author]

The corresponding author should take one of the following actions according to the evaluation report:

  1. Accepted

~ sends the final manuscript, copyright form, and payment details to

  1. Accepted with a minor revision

~ Make changes to the manuscript and re-submit it to the editor through email. The editor goes through the revisions and gives final approval.

  1. Accepted with a major revision

~ Do the revision, make changes to the manuscript according to the comments of the reviewer, and re-submit to the editor. We sent the revised manuscript for a second round of peer review.

  1. Revise and resubmit to the journal as a new submission.

If the author wants to proceed, they must make significant revisions to the paper based on the reviewer and editor’s comments and resubmit it to the same journal as a new submission.

  1. Rejected

The author can submit a new article for forthcoming issues.